My Favorite Movie and Why I love It By Lisa Montalto


Movies are a special medium that capture viewers from many angles. From the music to the cinematography, and the actors to the dialogue, film has dazzled people for more than a hundred years.

How many of us have a favorite movie that whenever we see it on television, we have to watch it, even if it’s already started. For me, that movie is Goodfellas, by Martin Scorsese.

Goodfellas is not only a movie that’s been studied relentlessly in film schools across the world, but it is timeless for its characters and renowned script that enthralls audiences to this day. Typically, a movie about the mafia might not be for everyone, but this film touched on so many different facets of the human experience that people from all walks of life could find something to relate to.

Scorsese is famous for his scenes with long uncut shots that give viewers the sense of actually being there with the actors. For example, one scene follows the characters from handing keys to the valet, down to the back door leading into the restaurant kitchen, where they are greeted by all the kitchen staff. Still in one shot, they continue up stairs and around the bend, through the crowded restaurant, where they are given a prime table right in the front row of a comedy show. This one shot heralded many filmmakers to come.

The lead actors, played brilliantly by Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, and Joe Pesci, have been hailed for their performances, with many actors subsequently trying to mimic them. Utilizing all tools, Scorsese doesn’t shy away from using a voice over to reveal the inner dialogue of the main character, providing a more dynamic element to his characters. With Liotta doing the voice over for most of Goodfellas, you really get a sense of being in the character’s head as he makes all his decisions.

Another tool Scorsese uses brilliantly is the musical score. He oftentimes will use pop songs from different eras to create a rich, full experience for the viewer. People forget how influential music is to a movie. It creates the vibe and feel of a scene, and whenever people hear those songs, no matter where they are in life, it takes them back to the movie scene.

But what really makes a great film is the script. As Alfred Hitchcock said, “To make a great film you need three things – the script, the script and the script.”

If you don’t have a good script, you have nothing. If you’re like so many others out there that want to write an awesome script but don’t know how or with whom to get the ball rolling, you are only a step away from achieving your dream.

A great idea for newbies is to hire a screenwriter who can take your idea and turn it into a television or movie script. One drawback for most writers when thinking about hiring someone is that they want to retain credit. This is why a ghostwriter who specializes in writing screenplays is a great idea. They will help you create something that fully illustrates your vision while also helping create the right pitch for when you get it in front of the decision-makers all while working behind the scenes.

A ghostwriter is skilled at taking your words and shaping them into a script that will sell. Some ghostwriters might have relationships with agents or publishers to help you get it sold. Many famous TV shows and films have been written by ghostwriters.

Just like a real ghost, a ghostwriter is invisible, giving you the limelight with the material to make you shine. They will work behind the scenes while giving full credit to your work. It’s the best of both worlds.

Finding a reputable ghostwriter who specializes in your genre will take some research or you can use a ghostwriting service company, such as Ghostwriters Central who fully vet all ghostwriters and will help you select the best writer for your project. Some ghostwriters specialize in specific genres and styles, and Ghostwriters Central will match you with the writer who will make your work shine.

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